Just like the ocean, you have...
🌊 You are sensitive, feel deeply and have a big heart.
You feel other people’s emotions and moods in such a way that it affects how you feel. This leaves you sometimes wanting to change or ‘fix’ that person so you can feel calm and happy again when problems are resolved.
Like water, you are...
🌊 You are able to adapt and mold yourself into a role that suits the current situation or partner.
You are fluid and can be easily influenced by others. You care about what others think and how they perceive you. This can often lead to people pleasing behaviors and avoiding conflict because you want to make things right.
The ocean is a symbol of...
🌊 You love to be deeply connected with others and often struggle to be alone for long periods of time.
Relationships are one of your top priorities and you’ll do anything for anyone you love. Unfortunately, this can leave you vulnerable to chronic people pleasing, putting others above yourself and compromising your own needs to gaslighting and manipulation.
Like water, you are...
🌊 Much like how water sustains life, you have a nurturing side to you and love to take care of others.
You want to see the best in people and this beautiful trait can make people feel supported, accepted and loved. You are most likely drawn to careers that are in the healing or caring industry. However, it can lead you to the urge to ‘save’, ‘fix’, or ‘rescue’ people and leave you vulnerable to gaslighting, manipulation and abuse.

Your anxious attachment patterns are sabotaging your relationships and it’s time to tackle them so you can manifest the dream relationship you deserve.
So, first we have to pluck out some of those stories that you’re telling yourself that could be holding you back from feeling more secure in your relationships.
Stories like...
💬 "I'm not good / smart / funny enough"
💬 "I'm too much / too needy / too sensitive"
💬 "They will leave me eventually"
💬 "I'm not as attractive, they'll choose them over me"
💬 "I will be rejected if I say/do this"
💬 "I must be perfect for them to like me"

Hello my love 💙
I’m Samantha (Sami for short!), an Attachment Specialist, Relationship Coach, Founder of The Relationship Rehab and Creator of this quiz! ✨
I’m on a MISSION 💪🏼 to help anxious hearts attract and sustain healthy, happy relationships with conscious partners by healing insecure attachment patterns so they can feel calm, confident and SAFE in their relationships and secure within themselves.
I believe the secret to having the relationship of your dreams is SELF LOVE 💝 and working with the mind, body and soul for a holistic approach to healing and expanding into consciousness.
- It took me years of being in toxic relationship dynamics with emotionally unavailable partners and self abandonment to discover this truth... -
And now I’m here to help YOU ✨ become more secure within yourself so you can find that dream partner that ticks all your boxes, and sustain a healthy relationship based on mutual respect, conscious communication and deep intimacy 🫦